Practicing Daily Forgiveness

One of the most impactful parts of my daily meditation practice occurs in the final 5 minutes. In the Vipassana tradition, after an hour-long sit of observation, we're taught to spend the final few minutes contemplating our wish for other beings to share in the benefits of our practice and to contemplate forgiveness:

May any whom I have harmed intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously forgive me. May I forgive those who have caused me harm intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously.

An hour-long meditation is a helpful precursor, but I find even alone this contemplation holds value. I've seen how even a few minutes can dramatically influence, revive, and renew the quality of my relationships with all those I am in contact with.

The nature of our daily lives is contact with others – friends, partners, family, strangers – and for one reason or another, conflict occurs and tensions build. By taking time to recognize our want for forgiveness for ourselves and for others, we support the health of those relationships and ultimately the quality of our lives.

So I leave you again with this simple contemplation:

May any whom I have harmed intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously forgive me. May I forgive those who have caused me harm intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously.

Wishing you greater peace and harmony,


Da Nang, Vietnam - Dec 2024
Taken by Nika Almatova


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