What Does It Mean to Be Grateful?

Maybe "grateful" isn’t the right word, or maybe it is. Maybe it’s just something to be happy about, something to appreciate. Sometimes it may not be clear to us to whom or what we should be grateful—well, I’m speaking for myself, at least. I think that’s one reason gratitude practice was always a bit of a struggle for me. But what if I replace that with an appreciation practice?

Breakfast in Moscow, Russia - 7/6/2024

Appreciation for the health and wellness of those around me. Appreciation for work. Appreciation for play. Appreciation for love. Appreciation for friendship. Appreciation for the sun, for the wind, for the trees outside. Appreciation for food on our table.

Maybe gratitude works well for you, and you know where to direct it. But if it doesn’t, try appreciation. A little tweak in words can sometimes reframe our perspective and make something more receptive.

Wishing you an appreciative weekend.



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